iPonca21 FAQ

Have questions about the iPonca21 COVID assistance?
Please review the information below.

Why is my minor child getting a check?

The verification and check process were simplified by writing a check to each individual member. We didn’t have to determine how many child(ren) or which child(ren) needed to be included on an adult check; especially complicating the issue when the adult was not a member of the tribe.

How do I cash a check written to my minor child?

Please note that some financial institutions may require further documentation such as a birth certificate or court guardianship paperwork. Check with your bank or institution for specific requirements.

  • If the parent/guardian has bank accounts in the child’s name, the checks can be deposited in the child’s account.
  • If the parent/guardian does not have bank accounts in the child’s name, but has a bank account in their own name; the child’s check can be deposited directly into the parent/guardian account.
  • If the parent/guardian does not have bank accounts at all, they can cash them at a cash checking facility.

In any of these cases, the parent/guardian signs the child’s name and then his/her own name on the back of the check.

How do I endorse a check issued to a minor for deposit?

Please note that some financial institutions may require further documentation such as a birth certificate or court guardianship paperwork. Check with your bank or institution for specific requirements.

  1. On the back of the check, print your child’s name. After the name, add a hyphen and the word “minor.”
  2. Beneath your child’s name, print your name. After your name, add a hyphen with your relationship to the child (example, “parent” or “mother”).
  3. Lastly, sign your name and write your member/account number on the check.

Why haven’t I received my check? Or why have we received checks for some of our family members and not others?

The bulk of the checks were mailed on the afternoon of July 16, 2021. We cannot determine the length of time the post office will take to deliver each check. Based on past mailings, please allow up to 3 weeks for the postal service to deliver your check.

Did you receive a check for an inactive member?

We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused you. The iPonca21 checks were accidentally sent to all encompassing members rather than all active members. Our staff is working hard to issue stop payment and fraud claims on those checks.

What should I do with a check for an inactive member?

You can take it into any of the offices and ask that it be mailed back to finance, or you can mail it directly to:
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
PO Box 288
Niobrara, NE 68760

Can I have my check reissued?

Stop payments/reissues will be available after August 9th to allow the postal service time to deliver the checks unless the check involves an inactive member.