Click here to download the full Request for Qualifications

This Request for Qualifications is being sent to planning and engineering firms for providing planning services to the
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska for creation of a general level Ag and Rural Lands Integrated Resource Management Plan
(IRMP) and associated operational resource management plans to include: Agricultural Resources Management Plan
(ARMP), Range and Grazing Management Plan, and Natural Resources Monitoring Plan. Proposals for providing these
services will be received until close of business (4:00 P.M. CST) October 25, 2021.

This request is open to all qualified bidders. The work to be performed under this contract is subject to Section 7 of the
Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5307) which requiresto the greatest extent feasible
preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Ponca Tribe of Nebraska owned and American
Indian/Alaska Native owned enterprises.

Evaluation Criteria to be considered include the following: 50 points for relevant experience, 20 points for past
performance, and 30 points for project approach and capacity to meet timeline.

The Tribe has estimated a cost of $125,000 for the project.

Seven (6) printed copies and one electronic version must be provided to:

Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
2523 Woodbine St.
P.O. Box 288 Niobrara, NE 68760
Attention: Ms. Chris Minarik, Procurement Officer

Questions regarding this request for proposal shall be sent to Judi Meyer, PEDCO Director, on or before October 6,
2021 by email to . All questions and responses will be made available to all interested bidders by
October 15, 2021.

Click here to download the full Request for Qualifications