Elder’s Committee Vacancies

There are currently two vacancies on the Elder’s Committee due to registration for Districts 2 & 3 service delivery areas. The qualifications are that you must be age 55 or older and must reside in or live within 100 miles from the border of Burt, Douglas, or Sarpy County, Nebraska for District 2, and Hall or Lancaster County, Nebraska for District 3.  The Northern Ponca Elder’s Committee exists to enrich the lives and meet the needs of the Northern Ponca Tribal Elders and to provide ways that positively impact all Northern Ponca Tribal Elders.  Members of this committee receive a stipend of $250.00 per meeting, along with mileage reimbursement up to 410 miles roundtrip and they meet on a monthly basis.  A background check is required.   The term will expire on January 13, 2025.

The deadline to apply for this committee is May 15, 2023

Applicants must submit a letter of interest and current resume to the Tribal Council, Attn: Candace Repenning, P.O. Box 288, Niobrara, NE 68760, or by e-mail at crepenning@poncatribe-ne.org. A background check is required. The deadline for applications is.