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Happy Easter!

While the community Easter events in each District have been cancelled this year, Tribal Council would still like to wish all of our Ponca families a Happy Easter. We understand that everyone is missing friends and family this year, however, it is not recommended to visit those outside your own household. If you do choose to celebrate, please do so safely, keeping gatherings under 10 people. With many delivery or curbside pickup options available, it is easy to enjoy an Easter dinner, whether your tradition would be to cook, or dine out for the holiday. Host an Easter egg hunt for your children in the backyard, or participate in community “egg hunts” by decorating paper eggs to hang in your window, then driving or walking around the neighborhood, looking for decorated paper eggs in your neighbors’ windows. Above all, remember that, while it is hard to be distanced from our Ponca community, this is only temporary. Stay safe, wash your hands, protect our elders. We look forward to gathering with you all again when the need for social distancing passes.

-Ponca Tribe of Nebraska Tribal Council