Adam Way Memorial Scholarship Deadline Extended

The deadline to apply for the Adam Way Memorial Scholarship has been extended to July 31, 2023.

The Adam C. Way Memorial Scholarship was established in 2021 by Susan and Gary Way in honor of their son, Adam Crary Way. Adam was passionate about sustainable, organic farming and was a man with great compassion for people. Susan and Gary were inspired in their meetings with the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska in the Tribe’s push towards food sovereignty. Seeing that connection, Susan and Gary felt compelled to create a scholarship for Ponca tribal members to utilize.

The purpose of this scholarship is to promote education and self-sufficiency for members of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska to strengthen and reinforce tribal sovereignty in all aspects.

The Adam Way Memorial Scholarship is available to all enrolled Ponca Tribe of Nebraska members, ages 18-45, currently residing in Nebraska, seeking to further his/her educational opportunities. These opportunities may range from seeking Associate, Bachelor, or Advanced degrees to other types of educational or trade certificates whose eligibility is determined by the Scholarship Selection Committee.

Learn more and download the application here.