Why should I want to work for the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska?

Great question! The Ponca Tribe of Nebraska offers the opportunity to work for a tribal government, unique even among other tribal organizations. The Ponca Tribe of Nebraska strives to offer employees a benefits package that is as competitive as possible with other organizations of similar size and resources. To learn more, please return to our main “Careers” page for details about the benefits of working for the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska.

Does the tribe offer jobs outside of the service delivery area or remote/telecommuting positions?

At this time, there are no jobs offered outside of the Service Delivery Area as the current Ponca Tribe of Nebraska policy only allows for remote work or telecommuting during approved office closures.

Will I be able to add a copy of my resume to my application? 

Absolutely!  Your resume is very helpful, and PDF format is preferred.  When you get to the “Resume and Supporting Documents” section, upload it there.  If you upload your resume, please do not copy and paste it into that section as well – if you upload it, we will be able to see it.

Can I add a cover letter to my application? 

Absolutely!  Please upload it in the “Resume and Supporting Documents” section along with your resume.  PDF format is preferred.

Who can I contact to let you know I’ve submitted an application?

It’s not necessary to let us know that you’ve applied – we see all of the completed applications! Our online system will send an email to the address you provide thanking you for your application. This email is your notification that your application has been received.

What if I never got the “thank you” email?

If you haven’t received that email, you probably have not completed the application process, and you might need to add some information. Please go back into your application and answer all of the questions through the “Submit Application” page.

You’re asking about any immediate family that I might have who’s employed at PTN. What does that mean?

Immediate family means your mother, father, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, spouse, domestic partner, or any individuals who reside in your household, including half, step, and in-law relations.

How long will it take before I hear back on my application?

Depending on when the position closes, it can take up to four weeks (and sometimes more) before you would be contacted to notify you that you’ve been selected for an interview.

Do you have any advice for me?

Please make sure that the information in your application and/or resume show us how you meet the qualifications for the position.

What if I’m a member of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska and I don’t meet all of the minimum qualifications for the position I’m interested in?

Please submit your application, and the HR Department will reach out to you after the position closes.

How can I contact the hiring manager to give a little more information?

Our Human Resources Department will make sure your application is given consideration. If you forgot to add something to an application you’ve already submitted, please send an email to [email protected] and HR will assist.

What if I want to apply for more than one position?

Please do! If you feel you’re qualified for more than one open position, please apply for each of them. If you apply for more than one position, please try to give information in each application that shows how you meet the qualifications for the position you’re applying for.