Meet your representatives, find district news and events, and learn what areas District 3 is comprised of.
Council Representatives

[email protected]
My name is Shanna Carpenter. I am the daughter of Shannon and Shelia Wolff, granddaughter of the late Bruce and JoAnn Robertson and the great granddaughter of the late Ernest and Amelia (Babe) Ironthunder. I reside in Lincoln, NE with my wonderful Husband, Matt and our two beautiful children, Beckham (2) and Henley (1) who keep us pretty busy.
I have been actively involved in the Ponca Tribe since I was a youth in many different volunteer, committee and employee roles. I am now excited to serve a the District 3 Representative for Tribal Council.
Professionally, I have worked in Human Resources most of my professional career. I worked for the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska from 2013-2021. My tribal work began as a Ponca student intern working in Heath, Education, Social Services and finally Human Resources where I found a passion in helping employees grow and succeed. While in Human Resources, I worked as the Employee Development Specialist and Employee Benefits/Risk Coordinator. I took a one year break from Tribal work and worked for RMH Franchise Holdings Inc, as a Benefits Specialist, Where I helped manage the benefits for 131 Applebee’s restaurants all throughout the United States.
My number one goal is to put the Ponca people first and serve you all to the best of my ability. I have a strong passion for our youth as they are the future of our Tribe. I hope to see our Youth and Cultural programing continue to grow and to see our Tribe as a whole be self-sustaining.
I look forward to meeting Tribal Members that I have not had the opportunity to meet yet and to continue to grow the relationships with members that I have already established both inside and outside the service delivery area.

District 3 Member Facebook Group
District 3 Ponca Tribe of Nebraska members can now join the official PTN District 3 Members group on Facebook:
This group is for PTN District 3 members and parents/guardians of PTN youth only. Members that live in other districts will not be added.
District 3 Areas
District 3 is comprised of the following counties in Nebraska as well as the states indicated below:
Adams, Buffalo, Butler, Chase, Clay, Dawson, Dundy, Fillmore, Franklin, Frontier, Furnas, Gage, Gosper, Hall, Hamilton, Harlan, Hayes, Hitchcock, Jefferson, Kearney, Keith, Lancaster, Lincoln, Nuckolls, Perkins, Phelps, Polk, Red Willow, Saline, Saunders, Seward, Thayer, Webster, and York
Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming