The Ponca Museum and Library houses artifacts, historical archives, a Tribal Library, and a Community Learning Center, and Culture Department offices.
Hours and Location
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Ponca Tribal Museum and Library
88915 521 Avenue
Niobrara NE 68760

In 1999, the Ponca Tribe repatriated several items from the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. Now on display are two headdresses, tools, beadwork, jewelry, musical instruments, and various carvings.

The Museum houses both contemporary and archival photographs. Tribal members and their families have donated numerous pictures.
Community Learning Center
By appointment, community members can work with the staff on historical projects, homework, or contests. In 1998, two Lincoln students used the Center to win first place in the Nebraska History Days Contest.