Election Board Members Needed

There are two vacancies on the Election Board for District 2 and District 3.
However, the Tribal Council is accepting applicants from all districts at this time in the event not every voting district has an individual willing to serve, as the Election Board may include two members from a single voting district. Since it is an Election year these vacancies need to be filled ASAP. Board Members are paid $250 per meeting and mileage will be paid for a maximum of 410 miles round trip at the federal government approved rate. Most meetings are held in Niobrara, Nebraska.

To be qualified to be appointed to the Election Board, a person shall:

  1. Be an enrolled member of the Tribe
  2. Be a resident of the voting district from which they are appointed.
  3. Be eligible to vote in the election for which they will serve as an Election Board Member; and
  4. If convicted of a felony, have completed his sentence requirements,
    including any parole, at least two (2) years prior to appointment.

No individuals shall be permitted to sit as an Election Board member who:

  1. Has been convicted of a crime involving the theft of funds or property of the Tribe in any court of any jurisdiction regardless of any pardon or restoration of civil rights for said offense;
  2. Currently holds elective office in the Tribe
  3. Is or plans to be a candidate in any election during his or her term; or
  4. Has an immediate family member who is currently a member of the Tribal Council, or who is or plans to be a candidate in any election during his or her term
  5. No Ponca Tribe of Nebraska employees may serve on the Election Board per the PTN Employee Handbook.

A criminal background check will be conducted.

Please submit a letter of interest to Ponca Tribal Council, P.O. Box 288, Niobrara, NE 68760 or via e-mail to janc@poncatribe-ne.org. Deadline for Applications is 12:00 PM on July 6, 2020.