The Tribal Council is accepting applications for the At Large positions for the Election Board. Members are paid $250 per meeting and mileage will be paid for a maximum of 410 miles round trip at the federal government approved rate. Most meetings are held in Niobrara, Nebraska.
To be qualified to be appointed to the Election Board, a person shall:
- Be an enrolled member of the Tribe.
- Be a resident of the voting district from which they are appointed.
- Be eligible to vote in the election for which they will serve as Election Board Member; and
- If convicted of a felony, have completed his sentence requirements, including any parole, at least two (2) years prior to appointment.
No individual shall be permitted to sit as an Election Board member who:
- Has been convicted of a crime involving the theft of funds or property of the Tribe in any court of any jurisdiction regardless of any pardon or restoration of civil rights for said offense.
- Currently holds elective office in the Tribe.
- Is or plans to be a candidate in any election during his or her term.
- Has an immediate family member who is currently a member of the Tribal Council, or who is or plans to be a candidate in any election during his or her term.
- No Ponca Tribe of Nebraska employees may serve on the Election Board per the PTN Employee Handbook.
A criminal background check will be conducted.
Please submit a letter of interest and application form to Ponca Tribal Council, Attn: Candace Repenning, P.O. Box 288, Niobrara, NE 68760 or via e-mail to [email protected]. Deadline is May 1, 2025.