Protecting Mental Health in the Time of COVID
Protecting Mental Health in the Time of COVID
August 11 & 12 | 9 am-4 pm each day
Online via Zoom meetings
Recent events have forced our society to rethink the way we do business. In human resources and child serving agencies it is hard to imagine the unintended outcomes that will present themselves as we come out of this isolation and its conditioning effect on how we view relationships, workspaces, and human interaction. Frank Grijalva of Midwest Trauma Services Network will present an overview of the impact of stressors across the lifespan and how to protect ourselves, our families during the current crisis and into future generations. We look forward to your attendance and a dynamic day!
To register and receive the Zoom invite, please contact Donna Wolff at 402.371.8834, ext. 111, 402.940.2463, or [email protected].