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Member Needed for Indian Child Welfare Advisory Board

Tribal Council is seeking a member for a term that will be expiring on May 31, 2025. The responsibilities of this Board include advising the PTN Social Services Department and Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) program on child custody cases for PTN members or eligible to be members; identifying services for the Dept. to provide and/or request for
the children and families of the child custody cases; hear complaints and grievances regarding child custody cases; and report to Council on the Board’s advice and determinations to the Social Services Dept. The appointment is for a two-year term expiring May 31, 2027.

Requirements to qualify for the Board:
–        Ponca Tribe of Nebraska member*
–        Successfully pass a criminal background check
–        Not an employee of the PTN and PTN entities
*Preferably the member has received services from the PTN Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) program, but it is not a requirement.

A $250 stipend and mileage reimbursement (not to exceed 410 miles round trip at the govt. rate) are paid per meeting. Applicants must submit letters of interest and current resume to the Tribal Council, Attn: Candace Repenning, PO Box 288, Niobrara, NE 68760 or by email [email protected]. Deadline for applications is May 7, 2025.