PTN Online

Here is where you can find the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska online: Our main website is where you can find documents, forms, recipes, news, and other helpful information. It…

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Support Indigenous Peoples Day

SUPPORT NEEDED: LB848 is in the Government Affairs Committee and will be heard Wednesday, February 19th. This legislation is to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day in the State…

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Shoe Donations Requested for MMIR Walk/Run

Donate Your Old Shoes! The Ponca Tribe of Nebraska’s Domestic Violence Program is looking for donated shoes for the MMIR 5K Walk/Run Event that will be hosted in May. The…

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Members Needed

As of January 10, 2010, tribal members are needed for the following boards: PONCA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD The purposes and powers of the Ponca Economic Development Corporation are to…

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NOTICE: All Tribal Members

LAW AND ORDER CODE REVISION Discussion on February 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. During Tribal Council Meeting The Tribal Council will be discussing amending the Law and Order Code. Please…

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Native Americans most undercounted group on the U.S. census

Native Americans, the census' most undercounted racial group, fight for an accurate 2020 tally

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Chief Standing Bear Dedication Ceremony Video Now Online

Dedication Ceremony for the Statue of Chief Standing Bear in Statuary Hall in Washington DC, September 18, 2019. Video courtesy of the U.S. House of Representatives House Recording Studio.

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