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Notice: Law and Order Code Revision Discussion


Discussion on January 18, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
During Tribal Council Meeting

****   NOTICE:  All Tribal Members   ****

The Ponca Tribal Council will be reviewing proposed amendments to the Law and Order Code Title XII, Taxation. The revisions are being considered per Tax Commission’s recommendation in regards to Definitions, Sales Tax and Services Tax.

There are changes being proposed to Title XII.  The revisions being considered include but are not limited to the following:

Add to Section 12-1-2 – Definitions

3.         “Small purchase threshold” means the dollar amount set forth in the procurement policies or regulations of the Tribe below which purchases of property, goods, or services may be made using small purchase methods where no competition, including quotes, bids, or proposals, are required.

4.         “Substantial indebtedness of the Tribe” means a financial liability or obligation, including a loan, bond, interim certificate, promissory or other note, debenture, or mortgage, due and owing by certain and express agreement to repay such liability or obligation to a creditor when such liability or obligation:

            a.         Is or was in an original principal amount exceeding five million dollars ($5,000,000);

            b.         Is either:

            i.          That of the Tribe itself as debtor; or

            ii.         That of a commission, board, agency, department, division, instrumentality, or economic enterprise as debtor and expressly authorized or approved by the Tribal Council prior to such liability or obligation being incurred; and

            c.         Is not an amount owed on a credit card.

Revise Chapter 4, Sales Tax, Section 12-4-2 (9) and Section 12-4-4 (1)(a) (m) (n)

Revise Chapter 5, Services Tax, Section 12-5-4 (1)(a)

A complete copy of the proposed amendments is available at the tribal offices, or one may be obtained by contacting Jan Colwell, Tribal Council Secretary at 402-857-3391. There will be a discussion by Tribal Council that is open for public comment on January 18, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard.  Written comments will be accepted until January 17, 2022.  The written comments may be emailed to or mailed to Jan Colwell, P.O. Box 288, Niobrara, NE 68760