The Ponca Tribe of Nebraska (PTN) is seeking a qualified investment management company to provide management services for its planned Reserve Fund. The successful respondent will enter into investment management agreement with the PTN for provision of services related to the day-to-day management function, including, but not limited to, the development of an investment policy, the management of investments within that policy, the reporting of investment results, and consulting related to the impact of macro-economic trends and their impact on the overall strategy.
The term would be 36 months commencing before September 30, 2024. The Tribe may consider negotiating renewal options with the selected contractor following satisfactory performance of the initial term.
A. Firm information
- List the firm Contact Information as noted.
Respondent’s Name:
Respondent’s Title:
Respondent’s Address:
Respondent’s Phone #: - Please give a brief history of your firm.
- Please provide the dollar amount and clients represented of nonprofit assets under management in total and for Tribal Nations.
- Is your firm a Native American-owned enterprise?
- What is your firm’s commitment to community involvement?
- Please briefly discuss your organization’s insurance coverage.
- What are your competitive advantages? Please add any other relevant information about your firm.
B. Personnel
- Describe how your firm is structured to provide investment management services for Tribal Nation clients.
- Does your firm have team members who are Native American or focused on providing services to Tribal Nations?
- Identify the team who will be responsible for investment management and asset allocation if your firm is selected. Detail each individual’s qualifications and experience.
- What is your customer service philosophy? Are periodic site visits incorporated into your relationship plan?
C. Investment Management
- Describe your firm’s investment philosophy.
- Please describe the process and tools utilized in portfolio construction.
- Please summarize your firm’s equity investment philosophy and process.
- Please summarize your firm’s fixed income investment philosophy and process.
- Please summarize your firm’s alternative investment philosophy and process.
- Describe your process for determining the appropriate asset allocation for nonprofits.
- Describe your process for analyzing and making recommendations about our portfolio structure within the guidelines of our investment policy and spending policy.
- Are assets managed internally or managed by outside firms?
- Describe your process for selecting outside managers (if applicable).
- What is your firm’s philosophy on active vs. passive management?
- What type(s) of investment vehicles are available to manage a portfolio?
- Do you offer socially responsible investment screens to non-profits and their donors?
- How do you make strategic asset allocation decisions on behalf of clients?
- How do you evaluate risk at a firm level and at the equity and fixed income level?
- Please provide performance history for the last five years based on a similar portfolio selected to meet our investment objectives.
D. Investment Reports
- Describe your performance reports. Please include a sample report.
- Do you provide clients with online access to account information? If yes, please describe capabilities.
- What is the frequency of your reporting and the standard timeframe for receiving each report after the reporting period ends?
E. Fees/Miscellaneous
- Please provide a detailed fee proposal.
- Describe the process of converting our account to your system.
- Describe any training, educational services, or other services that are available.
- Please provide contact information for at least three client references that are comparable.
F. Proposal Format and Submittal Requirements
- Cover letter
- Firm Information
- Investment Management Experience
- Proposed Management Services Plan
- Proposed Management Reporting
- Proposed Compensation
- Professional References
- Native Affiliation
Submission Requirement
Deadline for bids is May 8, 2024 at 4:30 P.M. No late submissions will be accepted.
All copies of the submission package must be submitted via E mail to [email protected]
The submission package must be signed by an officer who is legally authorized to enter into a contractual relationship on behalf of the company.
Schedule of RFP Events
The anticipated schedule for the RFP and contract approval is as follows:
- RFP available for distribution April 9, 2024
- Deadline for receipt of proposals May 8, 2024
- Final Selection July 9, 2024
Contact for Questions
Questions regarding the requested services may be directed to:
Greg Gunderson, CFO
Telephone 402 315 2760 #4116
Email: [email protected]