Resolution 21-42: Proposed Amendments to Title XVI Liquor Control

Please review Resolution 21-42 pertaining to the amendments to the Law & Order Code – Title XVI Liquor Control. Below is an excerpt.

Since the enactment and approval of the Tribe’s liquor ordinance, the Tribe has found certain amendments are needed to clarify activities and persons subject to licensing and regulation, provide more consistent language on activities regulated, and better define the activities permitted by a liquor license as well as to allow the Liquor Board to more appropriately handle licensing and enforcement without the need for legislative intervention.

The proposed amendments to the Law & Order Code – Title XVI Liquor Control were placed on the June 15, 2021, Tribal Council agenda to allow comments from the public with First Reading held on June 22, 2021, and on July 6, 2021, for second reading and approval thereof. A notice of intent to amend the Law & Order Code Title XVI-Liquor Control was mailed to all heads of household at least 14 days prior to any final action satisfying the requirements for the adoption, amendment, or abolishment of Ordinances.

All resolutions are available for members to review under “Tribal Documents.” You must be logged in to the website in order to view resolutions.