RFP: Hazard Mitigation Planning

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to obtain competitive proposals from qualified Proposers who are interested in providing the Tribe the following:

The Ponca Tribe of Nebraska (PTN) is seeking to select a qualified vendor with expertise in Hazard Mitigation Planning for the development of a FEMA-approved Hazard mitigation Plan by September 01, 2023.

Specific services, although not all-inclusive, are to be performed as follows:

  1. Organize the Planning Process and Resources – assist with identifying, inviting and documenting key stakeholders from the Entire community to be involved/participate in the planning process to include Tribal Departments and Entities, state and local jurisdictions, Federal Partners, and the business community. Describing the planning process in the plan and including the coordination with stakeholders during the process of developing the plan
  2. Assess Risks and Capabilities – review 2014 and 2019 multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan as well as local mitigation plans to identify hazards impacting the Tribe and author a new, all-inclusive hazard mitigation plan to include all 15 counties of the Tribe’s SDA. Profiling the hazard events including description of location and extent of previous natural hazard occurrences as well as probability of future occurrences. Assessing the vulnerability to the hazards and identify assets impacted – including critical facilities. Assess potential losses as a result of the hazards identified
  3. Assist in development of a Mitigation Strategy – review of mitigation goals to reduce or avoid long-term vulnerabilities to the identified hazards based on the findings of the Risk Assessment and capabilities review that represents a long-term vision for hazard reduction. Address Repetitive Loss (RL) and Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) in the mitigation strategy.
  4. Finalize the Tribal Plan and plan maintenance – involves finalizing the plan to submittal to FEMA for approval. Also includes providing input for a method and schedule for keeping the plan current and monitoring progress


  • The Tribal Emergency Services section and the vendor will determine a more detailed schedule of deliverables. The project deliverables will not be considered complete until the plan, as provided by the successful vendor, has been approved by FEMA.
  • A draft plan must be submitted to PTN for review by August 01, 2023
  • Summaries of meetings held
  • Monthly progress reports as to status of plan and progress being made to plan development
  • A final plan, deemed approvable pending adoption by PTN must be submitted to PTN by September 01, 2023. The plan as well as documentation to develop the plan, including GIS data, must be provided to PTN in electronic format.

All Proposals must submitted in electronic format to: Christine Minarik at christinem@poncatribe-ne.org by March 30th, 2023 at 4:00pm CST. Please submit any RFP questions by March 05, 2023 to: Victoria Champaign at vchampaign@poncatribe-ne.org.