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Youth Initiatives Program Applications Due July 31

Our Youth Initiatives Program will be ending for the 2022-23 school year as of July 31, 2023.  Please remember, there are five areas of the program that K-12 students nationwide can participate in.  Areas include the following:

  1. Art Contest (There must be at least three projects in each grade division:  K-2, 3-5, 6-8, & 9-12; First place:  $100.00; Second place:  $50.00; & Third place: $25.00);
  2. Attendance Incentive (0-.49 days absent:  $100.00; .5-3.49 days absent:  $50.00; & 3.5-5.49 days absent:  $25.00);
  3. Essay/Poetry Contest (There must be at least three projects in each grade division:  K-2, 3-5, 6-8, & 9-12; First place:  $100.00; Second place:  $50.00; & Third place: $25.00);
  4. Student of the Month/Year (Students selected received $100.00 per grade division; There are no second or third place winners);
  5. Senior Incentive (All high school graduates of the 2022-23 school year receive $500.00).

–> Download the YIP Application
–> Learn more about the Youth Initiatives Program